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Customer reviews

Thanksgiving week gift!

We received this from our Ameriprise financial advisor unexpectedly. We already had a homemade pumpkin pie made for Thanksgiving so we cut it into pieces, kept a couple out to try and froze the rest. This sounded like a good way to eat two pies (by only two people) in a sensible manner.....However, after we tried the Apple pie, we went back and forth between pies so we polished off both pies in 5 days!! My wife's mother and grandmother were incredible bakers who learned on a wood fired oven so we were not expecting a store made pie to be anywhere near as good but we were wrong!! Great job!!! We will be ordering our own!!

Reviewed by D Peters on Nov. 28, 2020, 8:34 p.m. | Permalink

4 of 4 customers found this useful

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